Winners of the 20th Annual Oratory Competition

Congratulations to the winners of the 20th Annual Oratory Competition

Diversity and Inclusion Speeches

Kanya Dayananth (Junior) "Into that Good Night"
Tabitha Barnes (Freshman) "The Pizza and the Puzzle"
​Ananya Kulkarni (Sophomore) "Different" 


Graduation Commencement Speeches

Erica Mendel (Senior) "A New Chapter"
Dan Lampmann (Senior) "Bricks"
Alaina Pandl (Senior) "Who Better?"
Cindy Lam (Senior) "Communication is Awkward, But..." 


Persuasive Policy Speeches

Julia Mouat (Sophomore) "R.E.L.I.E.F."
​Shachuan Luo Manion (Sophomore) "More Activities Would Help"
Dan Spero (Senior) "H-1B Visa Reform" 


Commemorative Values Speeches

Mel Vlasic (Junior) "Optimism in Struggle"
George Sbily (Senior) "MAKE LANGUAGE GREAT AGAIN: Communication in a Time of Political Division" 
Josh Goodrich (Junior) "Beyond Nice"


A special thanks to the judges:

Diversity and Inclusion: Pam Connelly (Vice Chancellor, Office of Diversity), Mary Parker (Co-founder and head of Just Collaboration), Lester Olson (Chair, Department of Communication)

Graduation Commencement: John Lyne (Professor, Department of Communication), Jack Gareis (Director of Undergrad Advising, Department of Communication), John Poulakos (Associate Professor, Department of Communication)

Persuasive Policy: Curry Chandler, Kaitlyn Haynal, Sam Allen (Graduate students, Department of Communication)

Commemorative Values: Jerry Shuster (Part-time Instructor, Department of Communication), Elise Homan (Graduate student, Department of Communication), Jennifer Reinwald (Graduate Student, Department of Communication