Cultural Studies Common Seminar intro "Technologies of Protest"

October 28, 2020 - 1:00pm

This year's Common Seminar Instructor, Olga Kuchinskaya (Department of Communication faculty), will introduce her chosen theme for the semester--Culture, Technology, and the Critic--by way of brief (30-40 minutes) slice of her related research-in-progress, "Technologies of Protest," to which she invites responses from the Zoom meeting participants in the Q&A portion.

Professor Kuchinskaya describes her talk:

"Building on the theme of the Common Seminar, Culture, Technology, and the Critic, this presentation considers the design and continuous adjustment of platforms to support civil society in the context of the ongoing protests in Belarus. Tens and hundreds of thousands have been protesting every Sunday after the rigged presidential elections on August 9, 2020. In this talk, I consider the two key tools used to support political mobilization before and after the elections: the platform Golos meant to ensure the integrity of the elections and the messaging app Telegram, the main media of the protests." 

CLST Director Ron Zboray will introduce Professor Kuchinskaya.

All Pitt students and faculty members are invited to tune into the live event via  at 1PM on Wednesday 28 October.  If you have trouble accessing the meeting, please contact CLST Admin Shannon Falk by clicking here.

The meeting will be recorded, but only small portions of it may be used for promotional purposes. This is a one-time event, so be sure to tune in!

To learn more about this year's Common Seminar and Professor Kuchinskaya, click here.
