Robin Kanak Zwier was awarded an American Association of University Women Dissertation Fellowship

Robin Kanak Zwier was awarded an American Association of University Women (AAUW) Dissertation Fellowship for the 2020-21 academic year for her project entitled “Making Maternal Mortality Public: Racialized Reproductive Bodies in Research, Media, and Policy.” Robin is a doctoral candidate and has been very active as a graduate student, from serving on departmental committees and GSO to publishing, (2020)“Slicing Through Thin Layers of Humanity: Narratives of the Abject” in Journal of Medical Humanities.

The AAUW Dissertation Fellowship is for women pursuing full-time study to complete dissertations or conduct postdoctoral research, or to those preparing research for publication for eight consecutive weeks. AAUW is excited to announce more than 200 awards and $3.5 million in funding for fellows and grantees in the 2020–21 award year. These exceptional recipients, who were notified by email on April 15, will pursue academic work and lead innovative community projects to empower women and girls. For more than 130 years, AAUW has funded the educations of countless women so they could follow their dreams. From astronauts to zoologists, the recipients of AAUW’s fellowships, grants and awards represent nearly every imaginable field of endeavor. For this competetive fellowship, they seek a diverse pool of applicants who represent the full spectrum of ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, gender expressions, socioeconomic backgrounds, disciplines and perspectives.