WQED's "Voices" Documentary Series co-created by Alumna Cassidy Fischer features HCUAP with Dr. Bruce and collaborators

HCUAP collaborators and Dr. Bruce interviewed in WQED's "Voices" documentary series by Pitt alumni Cassidy Fischer for an episode about graffiti. In the episode, viewers are introduced to "graffiti writers, artists and community leaders who are actively working to overcome the art form’s negative perceptions through the creation of legal graffiti walls, youth workshops, and community events. We learn the strong history and importance of graffiti, while exploring its power to unite both artists and residents in Pittsburgh." Documentary producers write: "WQED's video documentary series hopes to create dialogue by sharing the thoughtful voices of a diverse group – different backgrounds, different ideas, different goals - all working towards equity."

It is viewable on YouTube and Facebook