Media & Culture

Media and Culture focuses on cultural, contextual, and historical understandings of media. Courses examine cultural, economic, political, and philosophical questions through historically and contextually grounded analyses of media.

Approaches include those of the Birmingham and Frankfurt Schools, feminism, continental philosophy, social and political theory, American Studies, histoire du livre, the new historicism, Marxism, critical race theory, oral history, pragmatism, visual rhetoric, and cultural and intellectual history.

Faculty and students in Media and Culture also routinely combine their interests with other areas of departmental strength and align with other programs at the University, such as Film Studies, Cultural Studies, AfricanaStudies, Women’s Studies, Bioethics, Philosophy, and History and Philosophy of Science, as well as Pitt’s area-studies centers focusing on East Asia, Western Europe, and Latin America. 

Media & Culture [PDF]

Donica O'Malley, Doctoral Candidate - discusses Media & Culture

Dr. Brent Malin, Associate Professor - discusses Media & Culture



Sierra Abram
Caitlin Bruce, PhD
Rachel Clancy
Deborah J. Danuser
Litzy Galarza, PhD
Paul Elliott Johnson, PhD
Olga Kuchinskaya, PhD
Brenton J. Malin, PhD
Calum Matheson, PhD
Gordon R. Mitchell, PhD
Lester C. Olson, PhD
Song Shi, PhD
Reed O. Van Schenck
Ronald J. Zboray, PhD